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Harry Potter

Definition of Transmedia

​Scott Brown on Sherlock Holmes, “Obsessed Nerds and Fanfiction”

“Wizards of Odd”

​“Has Fan Culture Changed Society?”

​Other References: 

Harry Potter Fan Videos:

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, “Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake” by Poison12346 (aka Ryan Bayle) - This is an example of machinima created with the video game Sims 2.  The opening scene of the video is the author’s creation and interpretation; it appears in neither the book nor the film, but provides a context for the video. Ryan Bayle began Poison Productions as a high school sophomore in 2007.  He is now 20 years old and  his website reports he is a Machine Gunner for the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • “Hogwart’s Guidance Counselor,” by ElectricFaerieDust (aka Hannah) - This video was posted in 2009, when Hannah was about 15.  She has a YouTube channel, and about a third of her videos are Potter-related.  Her channel has 27,000 subscribers.
  • “The Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise” by Neil Cicierga - Neil Cicierega’s Potter Puppet Pals series parodies Harry Potter. It originated in 2003, when Cicierega was just 17, and later was redeveloped as a series of live action puppet shows on YouTube in 2006 .  “The Mysterious Ticking Noise” has received over 135 million views on YouTube.


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